oh man, these past couple of days have been jam-packed! I've been trying to get ready for this school year/attempt to get ahead (keyword:attempt.) didn't quite reach that goal but I did have a wonderful weekend anyways (:
I got to work and meet a lot of the new freshman on campus on Friday by helping out with the Library scavenger hunt (they could win a kindle, score!). it's always fun to see how excited they are to start but after only 2 hours of sleep, I wasn't feeling the whole being peppy and encouraging thing..ooops. but I got a ton of free food and found out my boss's boyfriend flew her and her family out to New York to propose! I was slightly confused when I showed up to work and she wasn't there but that's a pretty good excuse if you ask me...
and then I came home to two packages! and suddenly it's the best.friday.ever.
care package from my momma!
and new kicks! (maybe I'll actually go to the gym now? here's to hoping)
the rest of the weekend was pretty chill, mostly just tons of time hanging out with friends, cleaning/laundry, going downtown (finally got my u-pass, no more paying $2.25 for CTA!), napping, and reading books not pertaining to school.
and then sunday night rolled around and I acted like a 5 year old off to kindergarten and picked out my first day of school outfit, packed a lunch (no longer in a Disney Princess lunchbox at least), baked cookies to bring, and packed my bag. (: and you know what? I had a great day today. who knew acting like a 5 year old would be so responsible?
but I do have one interesting find of the day.....apparently butt cheeks are in style these days?! I have nothing against wearing a cute short dress or cute shorts, but if you can feel a breeze, you're probably hanging out a bit too much and will scare the Jesuits on campus.