
Saturday, May 26, 2012

While sitting at the airport..

While I'm waiting for my flight to Tunisia, where I'll be studying abroad for the next 22 days, I thought I'd stop in and say a quick hello! Even if your flying, you gotta celebrate your birthday! Plus free Starbucks helps :) plus, I got a free eyebrow wax from Benefit Cosmetics this morning because of my birthday also, not to mention all the sweet gifts from family and friends. I'm not going to lie, I don't feel any different being 21, but is was fun to go to the bar an not have to worry about anything. Anyways, I may not be blogging a ton while in Tunisia, but I'll try to post some quick tidbits, and give you all the I'll scope on Tunisia and Guatemala as soon as I'm back! So long!!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

Graduation (continued)

sorry these posts are slightly out of order. life has been crazy up in here!
but I wanted to share some more photos from graduation,
all of the wonderful memories that go with them.

it really could not have been a better day.
I mean look at that lake! daaaang.
the lake looked so beautiful that day, and even though I was worried I would have no one to take photos with since I graduated early, I ran into some of my friends from France last summer.
 I had a small party afterwards with close friends and family, and of course a ton of desserts and flowers.  also the good luck sign was made by my best friend from home, katelyn. even though she couldn't be there in person that day, she still took the effort to create that beautiful sign... and then there's kat in my gown, prepping for her own graduation next year.
after graduation, I got to do some sightseeing with my family from Colorado. Most of these photos are from Navy Pier, where we found out grandma really likes Starbucks. who knew?!

all in all, I am so grateful for everyone who supported me throughout graduation weekend, and the years leading up to it.

Guate, Guate, Guate!

I'm back in the states after spending the last 10 days in Guatemala, doing service work and doing a delegation through the Guatemala Human Rights Commission. Many posts to come on this as soon as I get fully home and have my computer!
As for now, all I feel is bittersweet.

Friday, May 11, 2012

happy birthday tara!

today is the birthday of one of my closest friends, tara!
this girl has been there throughout everything for me, whether it's me calling her at 4 in morning because my ex and I were fighting or have absolutely crazy nights with.
she was also the one friendship I really keep up with after I moved in high school .
hands down, she's the best.

and today is her 21st birthday. here's to you tata!! 
(my nickname for he. that and T-MONEY)
car photo! which is what almost half of all of our photos together are
hahahahahahaha exhibit A of why I love tara, her sense of humor
iowa games, a kelli and tara tradition.
pretty much sums up our friendship.
photo from tonight, tata is dressed up to go out and I'm chilling in my graduation stuff. typical.

plus we both love someecards.
so have a fabulous day friend! and a wild night at your bar crawl!

the night before graduation

it's the night before graduation, and I can't sleep.

I'm stressing out over ...
packing for my trips,
packing for moving,
flaky friends,
getting keys to the friends staying in my apt while I'm gone,
my face is freaking out,
I forgot to buy a birthday gift for a close friend(duh.),
my grad party tomorrow,
and most of all over losing all the friendships I've made while at Loyola.

and of course the fact that I officially become an adult tomorrow.

all week I've been waiting for graduation to hit me, and at 3 o'clock this morning it officially did.
so many things to say good bye to, and even more people.


Sunday, May 6, 2012

ballet, cinco de mayo, and surprise birthdays!

yesterday was such a good day!
...and I'm paying for it today. (totally worth it)

I got to wear my new jacket and necklace from forever 21
sorry for the awkwad gym mirror photos!


in the afternoon, I went to the Joffrey Ballet at Auditorium Theater to see their performance of Spring Desire.  the ballet was beautiful, but Auditorium Theater is seriously breathtaking!

and then I went to a surprise party for my friend and roommate from France,  Missy!
it was a great success, and she was definitely surprised

only one more final until I'm free for the summer!

Friday, May 4, 2012

High Five for Friday

my five favorite things this week:

1. this is my last finals week ever! only one more final on monday, and then I'm freeeeeeee!
finals week supplies.

2. pampering myself. before the doom on finals, I got a manicure/pedicure and bought myself some fresh flowers. it was fabulous, and the flowers still looking amazing.

3. getting my first produce box from a local organic grocery store! and eating at an awesome local restaurant with jennifer
obama even ate there! legit.

4. spending my friday night with ma best frand! so.excited. plus, it's cinco de mayo this weekend, and have a bunch of fabulous parties lined up to go to. (while studying for my last final of course

5. my order from forever 21 came! 
yes, those are fake glasses you see there. judge me.