since moving to Winston to start the Abraham Project and my year of service through the Episcopal Service Corps, a lot has happened and I've been horrible about writing updates even though it's kind of the purpose of this blog but at least there's been some cute outfits in between?
and on with the updates..
-the internship at the food bank is going well. I feel like I'm finally starting to figure out what exactly my job is and how to do it. the food bank definitely moves at a fast pace, and everyone is swamped with work, so finding time to train me has been a challenge, no matter how much I try to learn on my own. my supervisor is also the previous intern in my position who then got hired....which can be intimidating but I also feel like it will push me to do my best this year.
I went on my first FNS (food stamps) outreach meeting on my own this week and it was successful! I'll start doing my own outreach this coming week.
also, since my stipend as part of the abraham project is seriously tiny, I applied for food stamps myself. it was definitely a learning experience. part of my job at the food bank is educating about all the myths and stigmas surrounding food stamps, and while sitting in the waiting of Social Services, I had to confront some of my own stigmas.
I started a food drive at the church, and am working on ways to involve the children and congregation with the food bank. so far, so good but lesson learned: I could never be a teacher..creating bulletin boards is hard work and definitely not my talent. props to all of you teachers!
my bulletin board//agency relations staff in the photo booth at the food banks 30th anniversary//
paper plate project//one of my favorite plates |
-church life has been interesting. not bad, but just so much more than what I'm used to. I've been trying to go to morning prayer almost everyday, and then monday and wednesday nights also involve church activities. it's a good change of pace, but as a little overwhelming. I feel like there's a lot of expectations placed on me and the other interns, but I trying to figure out a balance between internship, church, and having a life.
birthday dinner for my brother jeff //apple pie
thrifting finds//new teal pants |
-life at the TAP house has been going well. we're all still trying to figure out how to live with each other. having four girls in one house is not a piece of cake. the rooms and who was sharing got changed recently so I now have my own room (and so does my other roommate molly)! honestly, this has improved a lot of things. I'm an introvert so living with 3 brand new people already stresses me out, and sharing a room was too much.
september is always kind of a weird month for me. my brother jeff's birthday is sept. 8th, so I planned a celebration dinner with all of his favorite foods on his birthday. this much more public than I normally am with grief, and especially with people I've only known less than two months. despite all of these, it went well.
it's weird to think that I'm only around two months into my internship and the abraham project but north carolina is already starting to feel like home. when I was looking at grad/law schools, I realized UNC was my number one. this wasn't the case less than a month ago. so strange how fast these things happen. I can't really explain it. now I just need to study more for the LSAT.....
molly and I had a candle light dinner last night. high rollers! |
I also got a haircut, complete with bangs! they are a little short, but I giving it a week before I decide to hate them.