after two days, I've made to winston-salem! thoughts while we were driving in last: I should have gone to grad school this year, why a waffle house the first thing I see?!, I should go hiking, there's a time change?!, what did I get myself into?
pretty much chaos. so I decided to make some intentions for the next year. not goals, because I want them to be flexible.
intentions for the next 10 months:
- be present where I'm at - not worrying about people or things in chicago/iowa
- make a difference
- grow spiritually
- read as much as I can. having a year off from school, especially after being a history/international studies major, is a welcome break but I don't want to learning for a year.
- go hiking
- get back into running/yoga
- learn to trust the process more, and not try to rush things.
- learn how to budget better/money isn't everything - should be easier since my stipend is tiny!
- cook more meals
- learn to cope with my grief
- be true to myself, and really take this year to figure out what is going to make me happy.
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