
Monday, April 2, 2012

take action.

"An easy way to begin implementing this practice is to go about your day, and whenever you notice an opportunity where you could be assertive, take the lead, speak, or move, do it. From spreading out on a couch, to complimenting a friend’s shirt, to illustrating a point by diving into a personal story and opening up emotionally, there are a million tiny moments throughout the day when you have the choice between taking action or remaining passive. Start noticing these moments and begin choosing action."

The above passage is from the article, "How to Pick Up a Stranger (or Produce Brilliant Work)" by Emilie Wapnick  ....and no, it's not about pick-up lines. It's actually about how taking small risks in your daily life can make you more productive, and it makes so much sense. By taking these small risks in your daily life, you'll also begin to take risks and be more productive in you professional life (or academic life for me).

This is incredibly relevant for me right now also. I was chosen to be the student speaker at Loyola's Scholarship Banquet, but I have been so scared to sit down and write my speech. The student last year had such an incredible speech and such an amazing story...and I'm not sure I can live up to that. But this article reminded me that everyone is unique, and as long as you are taking a risk for yourself personal, then that's a win. So just by writing this speech and getting up in front of all the big-name donors, that'll be a win for me. 

so take action.
and take a risk. 

ps. you should also read the article, it's wonderful (:


  1. This is great advice! I love to challenge myself with little goals like that and small steps can lead to bigger things later on!

  2. I agree! I thought this article was so motivating, and I definitely plan on taking it's advice!
