
Monday, July 16, 2012

best weekend ever

as previously mentioned, I went to iowa city this past weekend. it was absolutely great.  I got to spend the weekend with my closet friends, and I got to not act like a real person. in my life this means lots of going out and acting ridiculous, taco bell runs at 3 am, sleeping in, and dancing on benches at bars. perfection!

it started out a little rough with a torrential downpour on chicago's part, and it took us three hours to get out of the city because of traffic>>things I won't miss out chicago.
entirely too much rain for my little car to handle.
also, trips to iowa city have many traditions, such as but not limited too:
-rolling into town blasting tipsy by j-kwon. we're classy, we know.
-eating tons on pancheros, this amazing mexican fast food restaurant. it's even better than chipotle
hahahaha sorry kat!

-someone has to pass out smiling.
jj had us covered on this one

-sprinting into hy-vee as soon as we get there because we refused to stop to go to the bathroom, and everyone is lookin' at us like fools

here's some of the photos from us either going out or getting ready to go out:
some photos are so great, they just had to be in the college twice. that or I'm just too lazy to re-make it.

also, my brother was near-by at a civil war re-enactment so kat, jennifer, and I stopped in to see him...and abraham lincoln. kat and jennifer also shoot guns for the first time ever. such a productive weekend!

and here's one last gem of a photo to leave you with..

no words for this photo, just love.

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