
Saturday, January 5, 2013

hellllllllllllllo 2013!

long time no talk! I decided to take an impromptu break from blogging. this allowed me some time to think and reflect. it was great.

Highlights of 2012:

  • Spring Break Trip: Savannah, Orlando, Daytona Beach with mah best friends. still missing that butterbeer. stuff is DELICIOUS.

  • Graduation Week: I was the student speaker at my college's scholarship brunch, and my momma threw me a bomb graduation luncheon. it was so great to spend the week with my near and dear.

  • Guatemala: life changing. I know I fall in love with a lot of places, but I truly left part of my heart here.

  • Tunisia: this whole trip was so so inspiring. I also made great friendships, and was convinced to at least think about joining the peace corps. still miss this place everyday.

  • spent my last summer in chicago: so thankful for all the friendships I have made, and I look forward to seeing them evolve. 

  • Started The Abraham Project: moved to north carolina in july, and began this crazy year. I had no idea what this year would become, but it's been beyond all my expectations so far.

I know the whole resolution thing is over done, but I do like the idea of a fresh new year with brand new goals. I also thought it would be interesting to look back and see what my goals were last year and if I held true to them...

goals for 2012:
1. Get my heart fixed. so far, it's looking like open-heart surgery so 2012 is gonna be a big year. but this also means I have an excuse to slow down/make friends with 80 yr old ladies in the cardiac dept/eat a bunch of ice cream (cause it's totally like getting your tonsils out right?!) -CHECK. I do have a heart defect but I avoided open-heart surgery because it's a smaller hole. winnnnnnning
2. Get Healthy. More running, more fresh/natural food, more remembering those vitamins everyday/run a 5K. -CHECK. I ran my first 5k this fall. vitamins have been taken, and clean eating is a work in progress
3. Have a fresh start! I want to graduate and go some place completely new where I know no one and just work and have a fabulous time.  -DOUBLE CHECK. pretty sure moving to winston and starting The Abraham Project fuifills this one.
4. Have long hair. so superficial, but I want it. no. shame. -CHECK.
5. No regrets. -CHECK. there's been moments of doubt, but never regret, and only moments never lingering.

and without further ado... 
Goals for 2013:
1. Apply to Grad School (Masters of Public Health) and Peace Corps.
2. Travel.
3. Work at maintaining meaningful friendships from a distance.
4. Clean eating.
5. Worry less.
love this. via pinterest

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