
Sunday, September 11, 2011

Crazy. Crazy. Crazy Week.

so I knew my schedule this year was going to suck/be ridiculously busy, but after 2 weeks of school, I am already overwhelmed. and I've been slacking on blogging. uhh oh.
so I've decided I need to take some more breaks during the week and work on my time management (damn you facebook/stumbleupon/clever blogs)
everyone needs a break. time to yourself is a valuable thing, and I firmly believe it makes you a more productive/happier individual. but even though I believe in this, I rarely actually do it, and I always feel like I'm rushing through life. I had reality check this week when I got so busy that I actually forgot my brother jeff's birthday this week. jeff got killed in a farming accident about 6 years ago so it's important to me to celebrate this date. normally, I cook all his favorite foods, watch his favorite movies, and just in generally revel in his greatness. but I forgot. completely, utterly forgot until 10am the next day when I'm sitting in class. worst. feeling. ever.
this semester in particular has been bad. I feel frustrated all the time. I just want to be done with school. I just want to be out of Chicago (crazy I know!). I just want a dog. I just want my momma. So many things I want, and I'm having trouble appreciating everything I do have (which is a lot!). so that's something I want to work on so I'm going to make a list of things that made me smile this week and things that made me frown so I can appreciate one/vent frustrations over the other.
things that made me (: :
-working with my first client at my internship
-getting a raise a work (finally!)
-wearing a new dress (from my amazing aunt)
-receiving an invite to join Phi Alpha Theta, a nationwide history honor society on campus
-a leadership retreat for Loyola4Chicago, the program that I'm a group leader through. Loyola has an amazing retreat center about an hour and a half outside of the city. I meet so many new leaders and had a blast!
-the food at said retreat- to. die. for.
-meeting my volunteer group tonight at orientation for L4C.  it's grown so much since last semester, and seems like a great group of people. 
-starting the second book of The Hunger Games
-getting Red Mango with a friend/venting with another good friend all of last night

things that made me :( :
-forgetting jeff's birthday
-forgetting to wear deodorant. twice.
-forgetting about an important appointment (sensing a pattern?)
-boob sweat. (awkward, I know)
-not being able to attend yoga class at all this week
-running out of fresh fruit in the middle of the week and having no time to buy more
-missing a lot of people. friends, family, and dogs. it was a little rough this week.
-feeling lost at my internship/not able to help as well I would like.

overall, more smiles than frowns so life is on the uptake. plus I'm going to see my friend Bethany next weekend, so this week will go fasssst!

Pictures to get me through the week ahead..

what a cutie! (lulu, my puggie)

and now for a montage of me and bethany!

super cool people, right?

have a good sunday night!

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