
Monday, September 19, 2011

Day 9 + Weekend Recap

ok so I fell kind of behind on this but I gave you guys warning so it's ok right?
9 things I love (in no particular order):
1. PUGS! I pestered the junk out of my momma until I got my first pug (zoey) when I was 14, and then when she passed away, the pestering started all over until I got my current love affair Lulu.
how could you not love this?!

2. Books.  I read ALL the time. mostly in the school year it's boring stuff on history, but otherwise it's stuff like The Hunger Games. I'm a nerd. I also do book repair as part of my job at the library and have become a bit obsessed with pretty books.

3. travel. I have a tendency to get restless after staying in one spot for awhile. I blame this on my momma taking us anywhere and everywhere (like germany twice) when I was going up. now I just need to travel!
need me some italy in my life.

4. fashion. I love it. I'd rather spend my money on clothes than food/essential things almost all the time. 
blake lively's style is a current favorite.

5. friends. I could not live without them. we're all spread out because of college/busy lives but somehow we still make it work. seriously, I love my friends.
amazing friend+pug=perfection.

6. family.  after losing my dad and my brother when I was younger, it has really made me love the crap out of my family. they really are the most important thing in my life.

- I love food. particularly cheese and fruit. end of story.

8. hilarious movies, such as Crazy Stupid Love and Bridesmaids. (both pretty recent I know, but they are what came to mind under pressure)

9. volunteering.  I care a lot about a lot of problems and the best way I've found to do my part is to volunteer and donate my time.  so far, I've volunteered at Misericordia (a group home for people with developmental and physical disabilites in Chicago), Chicago Jesuit Academy, and gone on an Alternative Break Immersion through Loyola. volunteering is probably the best thing I've ever done with my life, and recommend it to everyone.

aaaand now for the weekend recap!
12 hours for my weekend was spent doing this...
turns out Iowa State is 6 hours away... rough drive, but totally worth it. plus I got to awkwardly sing and dance to Beyonce the whole way.
shopping with Bethany! I finally found the perfect denim shirt and statement necklace (both pictured above in the classic bathroom photo)
t-$hirt time! another L4C leader and I made ourselves the co-chairs of the fake (for now) t-shirt committee and decided making shirts would make everyone support us. they may or may not have been dry when we left to go to the meeting.  ooops, sorry chair covered in paint
I created an inspiration wall. another thing I learned from my momma-don't let walls remain white and uncovered.
Happy Monday!

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