I feel like life lately has been plump full of life lessons.
it's been a lot of growing up.
and realizing that it will never work out with someone,
but it'll be ok.
it's been a lot of realizing you absolutely have to do what is best for you.
life lesson #1: look out for yourself.
and don't allow people who can't respect you to stay in your life,
because reality is you don't need them.
life lesson #2: don't be so hard on yourself
my ex just started dating someone else.
and of course I had my little freak-out and wondering what she had that I didn't.
and then realizing that's bogus talk.
because I'm in a good place in my life.
I have job offers for next year. (LA and Atlanta so far)
I'm graduating a year early with honors.
I decided to stay in chicago for the summer.
it'll all be ok.
and most likely, it'll be much better than ok.
life lesson #3: it's still going to hurt.
I'm also learning you still need to be realistic though.
life will not always be rainbows and butterflies.
I think sometimes because I have already had to go through some difficult things,
I get into this mindset that life should get easier and that I won't get hurt.
but that's not true.
and that's ok.
because when you are pushed to go through something,
that's when you also learn the most about yourself.
like I realized I'm never going to want to live in Iowa or a small-town.
so why was I trying to be with a guy who wanted that?
or I realized I really just want to travel and become my own person.
so why was I trying to be with someone when it felt restricting?
who knows.
but the reality is it will still hurt for bit,
but then I'm going to be fine.
sometimes, you just have to learn to refuse to settle.
it's your life, you call the shots.
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