
Tuesday, March 27, 2012

words of wisdom

so I know it isn't wednesday yet, but this quote was fitting to my mood today.
a lot of times I feel like I'm going against the crowd in college. 
I'm not a huge partier.
I don't have a crazy huge friend group.
I haven't dated a ton of guys.

and sometimes it's kind of tiring to always be the "odd" one,
 or the one everyone says is doing their own thing.
honestly, this feeling has been bumming me out lately.

but then I had a long talk with two close friends and saw this photo
and it hit me.
I am who I am. 
this is my life story, and it's my choices.
no matter how strange or against the crowd they may be. 

no one else should ever have control over that.
(ps. I have a BIG life update so share soooon!)


  1. i love this quote.
    it should be blown up and framed in my office!
    xx jes, newest follower

  2. I agree! and thank you!
    I just checked out your blog, it's adorable!

  3. great quote! excited to hear the life update!
