
Sunday, November 6, 2011

New Blog Design + Awkward/Awesome.

ok so,  I know I only have 3 followers and justifying paying for a new blog design probably makes no sense but....
 Allison of Green Tangerine Design on Etsy was so easy to work with and affordable.
plus, my blog is pretty now and may properly attract new followers with it's snazzy new look.

and now for Awkward/Awesome!

-trying to move 35 lbs weights with one hand from in front of the stair-stepper cause some meathead left them there.... and then said meathead comes over and says "I only have 1 more set if you don't mind." uuuuhh yes, I do mind but I guess I get on the treadmill. so I get on the treadmill and start running but then I proceed to drop my i-pod and have it fly into the wall behind me. after that long story, who looks like the fool now? me. all could have been avoiding if the meathead would have just let me use the stair-stepper... who holds on to weights and steps? douches.

-I had to meet a client downtown this week so naturally I wanted to look good so i wore heels... on the day it was hurricane winds and a torrential downpour. my name's kelli, and I can't dress for the weather.

-I grabbed the squeaky cart at target. like ridiculously squeaky, and everyone was looking at me.

-definitely thought I babysat this friday. definitely was wrong.

-my scarf got caught in the zipper of my coat. at the immigration courthouse. right before I needed to go through security. 'no officer, I really can't get my coat off! see! my scarf is stuck in it, no bomb I promise!'-I'm awkward. and I had to cut the scarf out (my favorite one), and the zipper is still stuck! what. a. joke.

-I beat like 7 levels of angry birds this week. I'm the most productive person I know.

-I got a rebate check in the mail that I completely forgot about, hellllllo target!

-I figured out how to let non-blogger members comment on my blog.

-I got to work out 5 days this week, and I'm way less stressed as a result.

-I made my first dish from pinterest! What up taco casserole!
pure tastiness right there folks.
-I got my own office while interning downtown this week.
-found out the Dalai Lama is coming to Loyola! so pleased.

-went out to an awesome party friday night, and got to see so many people I know! plus, some of my ladies from France this summer (:

and this one is awkward and awesome...
-I got partially walked home for said party by this kind soul of a guy.... who while at the party told me my hair smelled amazing (uuuh thanks for the info, I guess I've never smelt it) and that I pulled off the ginger look "amazingly well." obviously these are are all very nice things so say to a lady, but I was a little taken back....and then when we were saying goodbye, my friends, he kissed my hand. like I was a princess. I've never had any of these things occur before so this goes in the category of awkward AND awesome.

scenes from my week:

so much inspiration!

my momma is now selling dog collars in her shop, and lulu is the cutest model ever! such a serious puppy..

I love anthropologie. and I want to live there. shameless.

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